RUBOKU DELUXEは、数独で魅力的な新たな工夫です。
RUBOKU DELUXE is the fascinating new twist on SUDOKU
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Solve the Puzzle by arranging the tiles so that each color only occurs once in each ROW and COLUMN (Just like Sudoku)
Move the tiles by dragging them with your finger
Rotate tiles by spinning with your finger or double-tapping them
Can a puzzle make you smarter? We think so.
Ruboku deluxe is challenging for everyone, from beginner to advanced, and as you get better at this wonderful
adaptation of Sudoku you will be taken on a journey in problem solving.
Deluxe version includes Artistic puzzles as well as Number and Color puzzles.
RUBOKU DELUXE is artfully illusive and deceptively simple. A delight for the addictive personality.